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ASP Vision: Optically Computing the First Layer of Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Part 2 : ( Design and Tuning) (W9)
Whiteboard Wednesdays - Vision C5: A Solution to Current Challenges and Trends in CNN
Learning to Assign Orientations to Feature Points
CVPR #18564 - Contactless Healthcare using Cameras and Wireless Sensors
[REFAI Seminar 02/20/24] A Computer Engneering Journey to Optical NN: Infra., Algo., and Co-design
Why spiking neural networks are important - Simon Thorpe, CERCO
Textual Alchemy: CoFormer for Scene Text Understanding (Accepted at WACV 2024)
[SPIE2022] Deep Learning Enables Accelerated Optical Coherence Tomography Angiograph by Gyuwon Kim
Automate Cancer MCA using Cloud Vision API and GCMLE (Cloud Next '19)
Eulerian Phase-Based Motion Magnification for High-Fidelity Vital Sign Estimation with Radar in
Seeing Through the Eye of Artificial Intelligence devices: Computer Vision